Monday, February 6, 2012

The Best Time of the Year for Real Estate

As any real estate agent will tell you, spring and early summer tend to be the busiest times of the year for buying and selling properties. Experienced sellers know that this is the period when the most deals get done, and buyers are most likely to be looking for homes or other properties during these few months in particular.

However, many sellers don't take into account that it takes time to prepare a home for sale, and it's important to have a property on the market for a while before you start to receive good offers. Thus, even though the market doesn't tend to get really hot until late March or April, it's important to get your property out there a month or so earlier than that.

In fact, over the years I've found that it's best to introduce properties to the market in February, or even as early as January. The reasons for this are many. First of all, it really gives a seller a leg up on the competition when they get started during a time when not as many other properties are available. This means that your property won't get lost in the crowd of new listings that commonly appear in the busiest months of the spring, and buyers will pay more attention to your home.

Another reason for starting this early is that it provides a great deal of momentum for the spring and early summer. Ideally, you would like to be in full swing by April, but introducing your property that late often means that you're still trying to get your footing in the market while the busiest days of the year pass. By establishing yourself earlier, you'll be in full swing by the time April, May and June come along.

If you have a property to sell and really want to get the most out of your offers, I would encourage you to start the process early and bring your property to market in January or February, and not March or April. This will bring noticeable benefits, and you'd be surprised at the advantage it gives you in the marketplace, as more buyers are attracted to your property.

If you have any questions about these ideas or would like to discuss selling your properties in the Chester County or Berks County areas, please feel free to contact me at any time. Happy selling!

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