Monday, August 6, 2012

Taking Care of Your Home Maintenance this Summer

As we get into the dog days of summer, it’s important to remember to take care of some routine maintenance items in and around your home before the cold Pennsylvania months roll in. By performing these tasks regularly, you can ensure that you keep your home in great condition, giving you a better chance of receiving a good price if or when you decide to sell.

For a safer and happier home, don’t let these warmer months pass you by. Here are some areas to address in your home this summer, from a friendly Chester County realtor:

1) Interior. An increasing number of homeowners today are looking to keep their homes energy efficient to cut costs and keep themselves comfortable. To ensure that your house will be in top condition all year around, be sure to check your heating and cooling systems regularly.

Keep in mind that repair professionals are often very busy fixing air conditioning problems in the summer and heating problems in the winter. Checking your air conditioning in the spring and your heating in the fall will provide you with enough time to schedule an early appointment if any repairs need to be made. 

2) Exterior. Summer weather is perfect for getting some fresh air and making sure the outside of your home looks great. A simple wash with your garden hose or a coat of fresh paint could be just what your house needs to look brand new again. Adding flowers and watering your lawn regularly are also great ways to spruce up your landscape.

While you’re making the exterior of your home look great, be sure to take a close look at it. This will be your best chance of finding any signs of termites or other unwelcomed guests that might try to stay with you in the winter.

3) Garage. The garage often holds materials and chemicals that can be hazardous and sensitive to changes in temperature. Before fall arrives, make sure that all of your summer tools are taken care of and put in a safe area until next year. Take care to properly dispose of any and all chemicals, including pesticides and weed killers. Not only could these prove to be harmful if they are accidentally spilled, but they may be sensitive to temperature change and could cause quite the mess as the months go by. If you have children, make sure they know to stay out of the garage unaccompanied.

4)Walkways and driveways. Checking your driveways and walkways every now and then could save you a great deal of money and headaches in the future. Cracks and holes in the pavement may not seem like big issues now, but if they are not taken care of at an early stage, they could cause injury due to tripping or even large potholes that need to be resurfaced.

If you have weeds popping up in between the cracks of your pavement, try carefully pouring boiling water over them to prevent future growth. Taking care of the little problems now will prevent big problems in the future.

In many ways, your home is like any other asset you own—it needs regular maintenance to ensure it retains its value over the long term. Take these steps today to maximize your home’s value when it comes time for you to sell property in Chester County, PA.  

1 comment:

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