Friday, July 13, 2012

Buying a Home vs. Building One

To buy or to build? This is the question that many home seekers ask themselves while in search of their dream house. The final decision will vary from person to person, but regardless of what choice is made it’s crucial to understand the benefits of buying an existing home before jumping into building a new one.

Taking your time
When you build your own home you get the freedom to make it into whatever you want, but the trouble with that is you will need to have everything decided on before building can begin. In contrast, you have the freedom to change your mind and take your time when you look at existing homes.

Seeing different houses may cause you to look at the spaces differently and change your mind as to what you’d like to do with your home. You will be able to slow down and look at as many houses as possible in order to make a smart and educated choice.

Be sure to shop around
You may think that you know what you want in your house, but there is nothing like the ability to shop around. Many who choose to build think that they know what they want only to have it built and realize that it isn’t the picture perfect image they had in their head. When you buy, however, you are seeing the home for exactly what it is so that you can make realistic decisions about whether or not you like it for your lifestyle.

Finding a bargain
There’s nothing like a great bargain and house hunting enables you to get exactly what you want for the lowest price possible. When you build you get the control to have it your way, but unexpected expenses often occur and as the owner you can be sure that you’ll hear about them on a near daily basis for as long as the building process takes.

When you buy, you can haggle with the seller in order to get the most out of the purchase. Whether it’s getting the price knocked down a few thousand dollars or convincing the seller to pay closing costs, you can end up with a great deal in the end. You can even ask the seller to make repairs to the house before you buy it so that you won’t have to pay for them yourself. Overall, buying over building can save you a good deal of money in the end.

At the end of the day both buying and building have their pros and cons. Doing your homework and researching each will lead to a rewarding end result regardless of which choice is made. If you have questions about this process, contact a Chester County realtor today.

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