Friday, June 15, 2012

Get Familiar with Your Real Estate Market Before Selling

Every city, town or village is different, and you’ll experience a different real estate market in each area that you visit. That’s why it’s important to do your homework regarding the trends where you live before putting your house up for sale. Doing the right investigative work will help you determine what the buyers in your area are looking for and how you can market your home to fit their needs in order to get the best price possible for your home.

Begin your investigation by searching online for houses in your area that have recently sold. Compare them to each other to determine what features they all have in common, and then compare them to your own home to see whether or not your house stands up to the marketing demands in the neighborhood.

Don’t limit yourself to only focusing on the success stories. Take a look at homes in your neighborhood that have been on the market for a long time. Compare and contrast your own home to these, and try to market yours in a way that’s closer to the homes that have sold more quickly.

Not only will researching local market trends give you a good idea on how to sell your home, but it will also give you a good idea on when to do so. In general, the best time to sell a home is between March and July, when most people are out searching. Take a look at local properties similar to yours and determine when the best time for selling is in your area. Knowing the amount of demand where you live at a given time will help you negotiate with potential buyers and keep you well prepared for answering questions that they might have.

When marketing your home, be sure to take into consideration the type of person who will be looking to buy it. Is it a single-family home? A small condo? Rearranging furniture and redecorating your living areas accordingly can make all the difference when it comes to making the right impression on the right person. The goal is to paint a picture of perfection for your buyers by creating a living space that they can see themselves in.

If you are selling to a family, be sure they know about local schools, and if you are selling to a younger couple, be sure they know about local social life. Keeping in touch with the neighborhood and staying knowledgeable about the types of people your house will attract will keep you on your toes and ready to market your home effectively.

If you need help selling your home in suburban Philadelphia, it’s important to consult with an experienced realtor in your area. This individual will know the market well, and will help you identify potential buyers efficiently and effectively.

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