Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Don’t Wait for Spring—Prepare for the Busy Season Now

Spring and summer are known to be the busiest seasons in real estate, but don’t let yourself procrastinate on preparing for these prime times to buy or sell. Start working as early as possible to get your property ready to sell, and consult with a real estate agent right away to ensure that you’ll achieve the results you need in a few months.

Starting can be the toughest part, but you’ll thank yourself for it later. Here are some tips for getting ready for the upcoming months:

1) Take your time. Preparing your house for sale takes time, and it shouldn’t be rushed at the last minute. Keep in mind that you might not receive any actual offers on your property until it has been on the market for a few months, and the market won’t really start to get good until late March or early April.

Be sure to get your home cleaned up and renovated in time to put it on the market as early as late January or early February. While this may seem early now, you’ll quickly realize just how much time and energy needs to go into making your home attractive enough to get sold.

2) Get a leg up on the competition. It’s best to introduce your property to the market months before the busy season to gain an advantage on your competition. Many sellers don’t know the ins and outs of real estate and will wait until the last minute to put their homes up for sale in the spring.

With so many houses on the market, it’s easy for your property to get lost in a sea of “for sale” signs. However, not many other properties will be available in January or February, so you’ll be at an advantage by getting on the market at this time. Not only will it give you time to fully prepare your home for asale, but it will also help you get noticed by potential buyers and stand out from the crowd.

3) Gain momentum for spring. Ideally, starting in February or March will have you in tip-top condition for the spring. If you start in April, you can expect to be spending a lot of time trying to get your foot in the door during the busiest season, when everyone else is pushing the hardest to make a sale as well. Establish yourself earlier than everyone else. You’ll be surprised by the advantages you get in the marketplace as more buyers are attracted to your property.

Time is of the essence when selling a property. Get started now and see results when they matter the most. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tips for Adding Equity to Your Home

We all want to sell our home for more than what we paid for it. There are a number of things we can do to make this happen, including making exterior and interior improvements that increase the value of your home.

The following are some tips for adding equity to your property, putting you in a better position to sell your home in Chester County:

Make a minor renovation
Adding value to your home doesn’t need to be costly or time consuming. A simple coat of fresh paint and an attractive color scheme can put a new twist on an old room. In the living room, aim for colors that will offer a bright, open appearance. A splash of color and well-organized look will strike buyers as inviting and can even make small rooms look bigger.

Make a major refurbishing
If you’re willing to put in a little more work and money, refurbishing a room can make a huge difference in the eyes of potential buyers. Take a room that is outdated or unused and turn it into something that will excite them. Adding a bar to your finished basement will help it stand out, and replacing your old kitchen countertops with granite will give your kitchen a sleek, modern look. Although larger renovations require more time and money, they are typically worth the investment.

Make an exterior remodel
The first part of your home that buyers will see is the outside, but it’s an area that is often neglected. Reroofing your house or adding new siding can make an old home look new again.

Landscaping is also important. Plant some flowers and make sure that you mow your lawn regularly. The goal is to make your house appear welcoming from the outside so that visitors will be inclined to come inside for a closer look.

Make an addition
Making an addition to your home is a great way to increase its value. Adding another bedroom or bathroom will put your house in higher demand and certainly increase its worth. Be sure to keep rooms flexible so that potential buyers can imagine themselves living in the space, and decorate accordingly.

You can also install a deck outside that can be used for entertaining guests. The point is to utilize the space on your property to maximize its potential.

Whether you’re working with a tight budget or have room for major renovations, there are plenty of great ways to add equity to your home. Remember that in a competitive market, every detail makes a difference.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Things to Take Care of Before You Move

As you likely know, moving is a long process that involves a lot of work and organization. However, by following a few simple steps and with the right amount of preparation and teamwork, you can reduce the stress of this experience.

The following is what you should do at various points before moving day:

One month before moving
To keep track of everything you need to get done, write it all down in an organized itinerary and check things off as you go. First, make lodging plans or reservations right away to ensure you’ll have a place to stay if you need a hotel for a night or two. Send your change of address to the post office, your credit card account offices, friends and family members. Discontinue your gas, electric and deliveries at your present home and be sure to contact the utilities in your new neighborhood to set up services so that everything is ready to go when you move in.

Obtain records from doctors and dentists that need to be transferred and cancel any club memberships that you’ll no longer use. If you’re moving out of state, remember to transfer your car title registration and your driver’s license. Take extra care and have your car serviced before making a move that is a long distance away. Finally, review moving plans with your moving representative, including payment, arrival date and insurance.

One week before moving
Once you’ve covered of everything you need for your move, take the last week in your home to prepare it for the new owner. Defrost your refrigerator at least 24 hours before moving and air it out to eliminate any lingering odors. Likewise, properly clean and air out the stove. Sanitize any surfaces and walls that you may have missed.

Next, make a checklist of the things that you will need to have readily available during your move. Your checklist should include items like supplies, paper plates, cups and utensils, light bulbs, flashlight, hammer, screwdriver, pliers, aluminum foil, garbage bags and snacks. This will help you avoid digging around in your packed boxes for the things you need during your move.

The day of the move
If you’ve planned carefully over the last month, moving day should go fairly smoothly. Carry all of your currency and important documents (including your social security card and birth certificate) with you for safekeeping. As you leave your house for the last time, do a final check of all drawers and closets to ensure that nothing is left behind. Leave your house keys for the new owners—and you’re off!

Moving is an exciting and life-altering event. To avoid turning this happy time into a stressful one, plan ahead and get as much help from friends and family as you can. You will find that with the right amount of organization, moving can be an enjoyable experience.

To learn more about making the moving process go smoothly, speak with a friendly Chester County realtor.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fall Festivals in Chester County, PA

Summer might be winding down, but there are plenty of exciting events to look forward to when it comes to fall in Chester County. From cultural festivals to craft fairs, there’s something fun going on just about every weekend in September, October and November.

These festivals are a part of what makes our area a wonderful place to live, work and play. Check out the following events taking place in the coming months:

Kick off your fall season by attending one of Chester County’s exciting September festivals. On the weekend of September 8, you can enjoy a wide array of beautiful craftwork at the Log House Arts and Crafts Show in Kerr Park, or take part in a one-of-a-kind experience at the Mushroom Festival in Kennett Square.

The weekend of September 15 holds delicious surprises, including the Foodtastic Food Truck Tasting Festival in Wagontown, as well as the Restaurant Festival in the heart of downtown Westchester. For another weekend of fun, you can take a short trip to Unionville for the Horse Trials and Fair, or to Exton to celebrate Women’s Wellness Day during the weekend of the 22nd.

The last weekend in September, enjoy Downingtown’s FallFest or Malvern’s Fall Festival and Bark in the Park with your best furry friend. All of this fall fun will make saying goodbye to summer much easier than you thought possible!

The fall events in Chester County only get better as the months go by. October festivities begin with the Harvest Festival in Glen Mills and the East Whiteland Fire Co. Car Show in Malvern. If you’re looking for a little class, the weekend of October 13 brings with it the Chester Valley Bridal Showcase, as well as the Newtown Square Art Show.

For some crafting and artistic fun, check out the Weekend Scrapbooking Escape in Malvern or the Fine Arts and Crafts Festival in Westchester during the weekend of October 20. Finally, prepare for some Halloween fun at the Golden Knights Original Art and Handmade Craft Show in Westchester. Nothing says fall like autumn food and crafts.

Fall may be coming to an end by the time November hits, but the fun just keeps on coming in Chester County during this time. Begin your November by attending the Grace Assembly Preschool’s annual craft show on the 3rd. For more crafting fun, you can check out the Fall Craft and Gift Show at the Applecross Country Club.

The weekend of November 17 will help you prepare for the holidays and cold winter months with the Holiday Shopping Boutique and Craft Fair in Downingtown, and you can wrap up your fall by visiting the Holiday Craft and Gift show in Malvern and the OLC Christmas Craft Fair Bazaar in Parkesburg. With all of the exciting events Chester County has to offer, you won’t be missing summer for a moment!

As we all know, Chester County is a wonderful place to call home. Local residents enjoy this wide range of fall events each year, which fosters that sense of community we all experience in our area.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Taking Care of Your Home Maintenance this Summer

As we get into the dog days of summer, it’s important to remember to take care of some routine maintenance items in and around your home before the cold Pennsylvania months roll in. By performing these tasks regularly, you can ensure that you keep your home in great condition, giving you a better chance of receiving a good price if or when you decide to sell.

For a safer and happier home, don’t let these warmer months pass you by. Here are some areas to address in your home this summer, from a friendly Chester County realtor:

1) Interior. An increasing number of homeowners today are looking to keep their homes energy efficient to cut costs and keep themselves comfortable. To ensure that your house will be in top condition all year around, be sure to check your heating and cooling systems regularly.

Keep in mind that repair professionals are often very busy fixing air conditioning problems in the summer and heating problems in the winter. Checking your air conditioning in the spring and your heating in the fall will provide you with enough time to schedule an early appointment if any repairs need to be made. 

2) Exterior. Summer weather is perfect for getting some fresh air and making sure the outside of your home looks great. A simple wash with your garden hose or a coat of fresh paint could be just what your house needs to look brand new again. Adding flowers and watering your lawn regularly are also great ways to spruce up your landscape.

While you’re making the exterior of your home look great, be sure to take a close look at it. This will be your best chance of finding any signs of termites or other unwelcomed guests that might try to stay with you in the winter.

3) Garage. The garage often holds materials and chemicals that can be hazardous and sensitive to changes in temperature. Before fall arrives, make sure that all of your summer tools are taken care of and put in a safe area until next year. Take care to properly dispose of any and all chemicals, including pesticides and weed killers. Not only could these prove to be harmful if they are accidentally spilled, but they may be sensitive to temperature change and could cause quite the mess as the months go by. If you have children, make sure they know to stay out of the garage unaccompanied.

4)Walkways and driveways. Checking your driveways and walkways every now and then could save you a great deal of money and headaches in the future. Cracks and holes in the pavement may not seem like big issues now, but if they are not taken care of at an early stage, they could cause injury due to tripping or even large potholes that need to be resurfaced.

If you have weeds popping up in between the cracks of your pavement, try carefully pouring boiling water over them to prevent future growth. Taking care of the little problems now will prevent big problems in the future.

In many ways, your home is like any other asset you own—it needs regular maintenance to ensure it retains its value over the long term. Take these steps today to maximize your home’s value when it comes time for you to sell property in Chester County, PA.